

Friday, 3 May 2013

Venue: Hotel Oriente, Corso Cavour 32, 70122 Bari –

Registration desk open from 08.30

09.30 Opening and Setting the Scene

eBusiness Strategies to Face the EU Structural Crisis
Bruno Lamborghini, EITO Chairman and AICA President

Digital business in Europe: Beyond eEverything
Alexander Riedl, EC DG CONNECT – Deputy Head of Unit Knowledge Base

10.45 Coffee break

11.00 Topic I. National Strategies and eBusiness

B2c e-Commerce Practices: A SWOT Analysis
Nicola Costantino, Rector, Politecnico di Bari

eBusiness in Croatia: A Critical Overview
Ranko Smokvina, Consultant and CEN CIM for Croatia

The Impact of the new Slovak eGovernment Legislation on Business Entities
Pavol Frič, Vice-President of DITEC a.s.

13.00 Lunch break

14.00 Topic II. Reengineering the Enterprise: eBusiness Strategies and Solutions

Disruptive B2B2C eBusiness Solutions on Next-generation Mobile-empowered Business Webs
Martin Przewloka, Senior Vice-President, SAP

From Postal Innovation to e-nnovation
Massimo Bollati, IT, Facility & Security Director, TNT Post

Intellectual Property Rights in eBusiness of Intangible Digital Goods
Vilma Misiukoniene, INFOBALT Association

15.45 Coffee break

16.00 Topic III. Education and Skills

E-skills for eBusiness
Denise Leahy & Dudley Dolan, CEN WS on ICT Skills and Trinity College, Ireland

Teaching eBusiness in Albania
Gudar Beqiraj, Jorgaq Kacani & Neki Frasheri, Academy of Sciences of Albania and Polytechnic University of Tirana

eBusiness and IT Innovation Competences for NON-IT Enterprises
Roberto Bellini, Giulio Occhini & Paolo Schgör, AICA

Security Issues and eBusiness Skills
Giuseppe Mastronardi, Politecnico di Bari

LiberCloud: a tool for a rapid implementation of interactive multimedia contents in innovative training contexts for new skills
Bianca Iafelice, KnowK Ltd.

18.00 Conference Statement and Wrap-up

Satellite events

2 May (afternoon) AICA/Politecnico di Bari event on ICT Skills and Digital Forensics
3 May (afternoon) Poster session (in parallel)
4 May (morning) IT STAR Business meeting (members only)

Publication: The post-conference proceedings will be published in the IT STAR Series

Program co-chair and General Contact – P. Nedkov <>